Child Relocation Lawyers In Overland Park
If you are the custodial parent of a child and you are thinking about relocating, it is important to understand all of the factors that need to be considered. Any change of residence requires a minimum notice of 30 days to the other parent, and there are other specific steps that need to be taken in order for a proposed move to be successful.
If the nonrelocating parent objects to the move, the court will not be inclined to approve it without good reason. No matter which side of the case you might be on, it is important that you have sound legal representation behind you from the start. At the Johnson County Law Offices of Ankerholz and Smith, our attorneys have successfully represented clients on both sides of child relocation and other complex child custody matters. Every situation is unique. Our broad experience allows us to provide proactive and effective representation to every client we serve.
Reaching Resolutions Through Communication
At the beginning of your case, we will provide you with a special handout that clearly lays out the entire child relocation process and requirements. We will explain your options and work with you to find a solution that protects your interests and the interests of your children. While we represent clients on both sides of these matters, we are one of only a select few law firms in Kansas to have successfully defended parents’ attempts to move away with a child.
Schedule An Appointment With Us
Contact our office in Overland Park to schedule an appointment to discuss your support enforcement or custody agreement violation concerns with a lawyer. You can reach us by phone at 913-800-6071 or contact us via email to schedule an appointment.